When (and Why) to Consider Vitamin Supplements

Scottsdale Private Physicians, LLC > Blog > When (and Why) to Consider Vitamin Supplements
When (and Why) to Consider Vitamin Supplements - Image
August 8, 2022

In an ideal world, you’d get all the nutritional support you need from the foods and beverages that you consume on a daily basis. In turn, they would keep your energy levels high, your emotions balanced, and your body in peak condition.

However, the real world often makes it harder to achieve these nutritional goals. Instead of eating healthy, nutrient-dense meals, many people end up with diets full of salt, fat, and sugar, putting their health and well-being at risk. And even when you think you’re making wise choices, you can still fall short of your nutritional needs.

Should you take vitamin supplements to be safe? The answer is: It depends.

Our team at Scottsdale Private Physicians, LLC, takes a holistic approach to disease prevention and management. That means helping to nourish every aspect of your life to help you reach and maintain optimal wellness, including nutritional counseling. If you’ve been curious about whether you need vitamin supplements, here’s what you need to know.

Why nutrition matters

It’s easy to overlook the importance of good nutrition. But your body needs the right vitamins and nutrients to function and remain healthy. Ideally, most people can get the nutrients they need from eating a balanced diet that includes:

  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Whole grains
  • Lean protein

Our team offers nutritional counseling to gain a better understanding of your diet and how it impacts your health, including the types of food you eat, the number of calories you consume, and how much food you prepare at home. During these consultations, we also order lab tests to look for nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances.

Based on this information, we can provide personalized recommendations on how to eat a healthier and more balanced diet. We can also identify whether you have vitamin or nutrient shortfalls that could benefit from dietary adjustments or from supplementation.

When to consider vitamin supplementation

The obvious reason to consider vitamin supplementation involves correcting a nutrient deficiency. For example, more than 90% of Americans get less than the recommended vitamin E and vitamin D they need from diet alone.

Your body needs a wide variety of nutrients to function properly, and deficiencies can vary significantly from person to person. It’s also common for certain factors to increase a person’s risk of nutritional deficiency, such as:

  • Being pregnant
  • Reaching older age
  • Having conditions that interfere with digestion, like celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, or alcoholism
  • Taking certain medications

In many cases, you could benefit from vitamin supplementation if you struggle with fatigue or chronic illness. Our nutritional assessments can determine when and if you should take a vitamin supplement to improve your overall health.

At the end of the day, the best way to improve your health and wellness involves following a nutritious and balanced diet. But vitamin supplements help you reach the finish line if you continue falling short.

Our nutritional counseling program can help you improve your diet and determine if supplementation can help you reach optimal health. Contact Scottsdale Private Physicians, LLC, in Arizona to schedule a consultation by calling or booking a visit online today.

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